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How to create Containers

Containers are a way to package and distribute software as packages that run very independently of the host operating system. Containers do not care whether you run them on Windows, macOS, Debian (Linux), in the cloud or in any other way. This makes them very useful and easy to deploy.


At the end of this guide, you will have a container that serves a simple Vue application to your browser.


This guide assumes that you have some Vue application in your current working directory.

Simply running npm init vue@latest is fine and changing into the generated directory is fine though.

1) Create a Dockerfile

As said above, containers are a way to package your application. Dockerfiles in essence are scripts that tell your computer how such a container is built from the surrounding source code. The syntax reference and list of commands can be found here.

Simply add a file called Dockerfile to the root of your application (besides package.json) and fill it with the following content:

# create an intermediate container named 'build' based on nodejs
FROM AS build
# switch the working directory to /app/src
WORKDIR /app/src
# add all files of the current directory to /app/src/
ADD ./ /app/src/
# install all required dependencies from package-lock.json and abort if it is not up-to-date
RUN npm clean-install
# build static files into dist folder (this is standard vue behavior)
RUN npm run build

# create another container named 'http' based on a stable version of the nginx webserver
FROM as http
# add a config file for the nginx webserver
ADD .docker/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
# add built files from the intermediate 'build' container into /var/www/ so that they can be served by nginx
COPY --from=build /app/src/dist/ /var/www/
# add some additional image metadata
# this is not strictly required but is nice so that the image describes itself
EXPOSE 80/tcp

2) Create an nginx configuration

In the Dockerfile we referenced the .docker/nginx.conf file. This file does not yet exist so docker would complain about that when building the container. What this file does is tell nginx how to serve our application. It can include a number of directives1 and you can find more information on it in its documentation here.


We generally prefer to keep files that are not directly part of the application source code and which are only required when deploying via docker in the .docker folder.

server {
  # respond to all requests on port 80 with this configuration
  listen 80;
  server_name default_server;

  # configure /var/www/ as the directory from which to serve static files as responses
  root /var/www;
  # fall back to /index.html when a url does not have a corresponding file on the server
  try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

  location /assets/ {
    # allow caching for 7 days and tell caches that the resource is immutable
    add_header "Cache-Control" "max-age=604800, immutable";

3) Create a .dockerignore file

Inside our Dockerfile we clean-install all dependencies and then build the application from scratch. However, before that we are adding all files of the current directory to the container (ADD ./ /app/src/) including the existing node_modules and dist folders that a developer might have on their machine.

To prevent this we could either use a more fine-grained ADD instruction to only add actually required files, but we can also restrict docker from ever seeing certain files. This can be done by using a .dockerignore file. Its syntax2 is similar to gitignore, and it completely hides certain files from docker.

More fine-grained ADD instruction

The part of the Dockerfile containing ADD ./ /app/src/ could be replaced by the following. As you can see this is a lot more verbose and requires updating if more top-level files or folders are added.

ADD package.json package-lock.json vite.config.js index.html /app/src/
ADD src /app/src/src/
ADD public /app/src/public/

4) Build and run the containerized app

Now that we have everything in place we want to build the container and test that everything works correctly.


First we need to build the container. This can be done using the docker build3 command.

Build the container
docker build -t example_app .
Command part Purpose
docker build Call docker in build mode to build a container.
-t example_app Gives the built container the tag example_app.
This can be almost anything you want and should probably be the name of your app.
. Uses the current directory as build context (meaning references to files from Dockerfile are relative to this directory).


After docker build completed successfully you can start the container using the tag that was chosen in the build command by calling docker run3.

Run the container
docker run -p 8000:80 example_app
Command part Purpose
docker run Call docker in run mode to start a container
-p 8000:80 Publishes the given container port so that requests to your host machines port 8000 are forwarded to the containers port 80.
example_app The tag of the container that we used in the docker build step.


Once the container has started up you can access the app at localhost:8000 since port 8000 is forwarded to the container and we have a webserver running inside it.


You can stop the running container by pressing CTRL+C in the terminal.

Last update: 2022-10-04